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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The North Winds Wont't Be Blowing In Ralph Benson Memorial Gym

Press release

With the month of January comes some of the coldest weather Lawrence County will endure. The faculty, staff, and student body at LCHS prepare to embrace these frigid temperatures by bringing beach life to campus.

The annual Big Kahuna fundraiser begins January 14, 2014. Clubs and organizations have selected their candidates for the coveted Big Kahuna honor.

According to Principal Michael Adkins, “since 2008, fifty-one five hundred-dollar scholarships totaling $25,500 have been awarded to students who are now attending a college, trade school or a university.

The funds generated from this year’s event will continue to fund the scholarship program with a small percentage of funds directed toward capital improvements on campus.

With the help of our community and that of student body, faculty, and staff, I am confident our fundraising efforts will continue to be a success.

Many thanks in advance to all who will give generously of their time and energy to help improve our school and continue providing scholarships to our students."

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